Azure Wheel Wiki

Homeworld:  Hada
Average Height:  6'
Life Expectancy:  100 Years
Species Status:  Open
Earth Species Evolved From:  An experamental species created in a lab that combines avian and feline.


Skylion Species Sheet

Physical Appearance

The skylion are a race of anthropomorphic gryphons.  They are tall, walk on three-toed digitigrade legs and have massive wings sprouting out of their backs.  Theiy have the face of an avian.  Always a hawk, eagle, falcon, vulture, kite or corvid.

They have ears.  Acceptable ear shapes include donkey, housecat, lion, lynx or fox.

Acceptable tail shapes are lion, housecat, lynx, snow leopard or fox.

Any color and markings that a big or small cat can have is fair game for a Skylion.  If they have hair or a mane, it can be any color that human hair can be.  White or silver hair is also common among thespecies. Some Skylion like to dye their hair different colors or paint markings on their bodies.  These  cosmetic changes are temporary and fade with time.

Eyes can be brown, blue, green, orange, red, grey or yellow.

They never have loose, flowing clothing or exceptionally long hair, since these things only hinder flight.

Species History

In their early days of space travel, the different Skylion nations were at war with each other over who controlled the mining on the planet’s moons, which eventually ended up destroying Kaldel, one of the moons orbiting Hada (Note: The remains of Kaldel can still be seen in the Hada sky, appearing as a cluster of large asteroids).  Eventually, they stopped fighting with each other and started venturing to neighboring star systems to seek out other sources of minerals where they were found by Alliance
traders.  The Skylion were officially welcomed to the Alliance about 8,000 years ago and have been on good terms with the other species of the Alliance ever since.

The Skylion monarchy and the Imperial Family of Ultimare have been strong allies since the Skylions joined the Alliance.

Their homeworld is the only known source of Soulstone, a very rare, beautiful and expensive
gemstone.  The Skylion see no value to this stone and see its only purpose as being a valuable export  to the other species, so most don't understand the "greedy and foolish aliens" that selfishly try to
acquire this stone.  Especially since illegal exports of this stone has caused fair amount of bloodshed. 
Needless to say, mines and caverns that are known to contain soulstone are very heavily guarded.

Skylion Society


Sex and Reproduction




Names and Language
